To those of you who read, I apologize for the absence. Here I am trying to build and be part of the blog community and I go AWOL for a while....
That aside, I have been home for just under a week now- deliciously cramped in my lovely cave- and have found myself in a place that I never really imagined. I am not only trying to battle between majors and discover which career I am being called to, I also find myself on a journey of deciding if transferring is in the cards for me. This journey is exhausting; requiring me to dig deep and meditate and pray... this sadly leaves little time for art. The piece above is from a couple of weeks ago. (another reason that art has not been a driving force for me is because I'm a tad intimidated by my mother's talent.)
It's been busy, between working, helping my dearest friend with wedding stuff, and trying to figure out the direction my life will be taking by the end of July. Sometimes I just wish that I could disappear, need nothing and nobody but myself, and the journey's I would go on. But I am satisfied. I'm happy with the way home is, and how it is exactly what I needed. I feel content with the baby steps of growing up that seem to be slowly continuing. At least one aspect of my life is moving forward...
How I long to be through this and know that I had made the right decision, that this one summer of choices and discoveries had led me to everything I ever wanted. But, that would be kind of missing the point, wouldn't it?
Well dearest, I've been kinda blog AwoL as well.
ReplyDeleteHow I wish I could take away some of the hardship of this journey for you. I carry a little basket of sadness around with me that this summer seems to be one of questioning, loss or lack, misunderstandings and misinterpretations. THis is part of the journey and you will come of the shadows. You will appreciate the warmth of the sun even more and the beauty will be new and you will feel the strong that you are.
I love you.
PS I marvel and am in awe of the art that you do! Isn't it interesting that neither one of us having any training have started this journey to teach ourselves how to stretch and grow as artists? Let's not let any negativity hold us back! (I could lament not having training, not starting this earlier, etc, etc...) As our friend Kal says, BULLETPROOFPOSITIVE attitude!
I hope you figured out what you needed too. Just to let you know I think your art is amazing & great. - I know it inspires me & so it will others. Just wanted to let you know I am having a give away - you could fill it with your art if you win.