Today has been okay. It's getting hard to wake up again, maybe I should create a few extra hours in a day for sleep. I would like a meeting before God. Does anyone second the motion to extend a day from 24 hours to 30? As awful as my Tue/Thu torture is, it makes me love the other three weekdays that much more. I think I could have a love affair with M/W/F...
I have gotten over my disappointment with the blog OLW in just enough time to enter this round- asking us wordsters to REFLECT.
I like to reflect... it makes me realize how quickly my life has flown by while at the same time showing me that 20 years on this planet is a very long time. I might write a book.
I was also looking at *e* 52 Q and this question inspired me so:
I actually have yet to answer that question with art. Maybe I just like to ponder it. Maybe I don't have one...
Well, I think 4 hours of art is recovery enough. Time to get back to the real world. I have a night of gathering loan information, studying and homework.
Happy Wednesday!