So now I finally understand the difficulty of keeping a regular blog...
Its difficult...
I'm so tired I can't form coherent sentences.
My birthday ROCKED!
The girls took me to a picnic and we went boating... and I got sunburned badly. I need to make a worthy investment in sunscreen and aloe: as a friend said "skin-cancer is real."
After that loverly day, I woke up at six, left to bike to school at 7. After 32 minutes of pain from the building heat and rubbing-on-burned-shoulders-backpack I sat through class from 8 am until 5:40 pm... that's a lot of hours. After that I saw Legally Blonde in Chicago which sadly, was not even worth the 15 dollars I spent.
Right now my skin and brain is fried. My mom gave me awesome stuff for my birthday and I will create tomorrow... I promise. Right now I have to dust off the glitter and confetti of a overly-tacky musical off of my soul
I love that last parting sentence! So great! Sorry about the musical, was it not even mock-worthy?